We’re extremely excited for our 4th season of Electric City Maroon & White special needs hockey! The ECM&W is an all-inclusive organization with a mission statement that begins with “Everyone Plays" which we firmly stand behind!
Understanding of Player/Parent Commitment
Please note that while we understand not all players will be able to attend all practices or games, many of which are on the road, we appreciate that parents have other commitments, we would appreciate that a parent/player email/facebook messenger the coaching/registar if you are not able to attend, so that we know everyone is ok. Please also be aware that while your player may be new to the team &/or new to hockey, this DOES NOT exclude them from any games, road trips or tournaments. We love having all of our players participating as much as possible, these different environments & experiences are part of how a player grows within the game, the team & as an individual.
Hockey Fees: $300.00 to be paid, payment arrangements made, deposit & funding applications submitted prior to first time player skates with the team. Receipts available for claiming on SSAH or other funding sources. Invoices available to submit for any funds that require an invoice.