We’re extremely excited for our 4th season of Electric City Maroon & White special needs hockey! The ECM&W is an all-inclusive organization with a mission statement that begins with “Everyone Plays" which we firmly stand behind!

  • Our season begins Saturday September 7th 2019 and concludes March 21st 2020 with a tournament finally in Ottawa, Ontario. All practices are held Saturdays at the Evinrude Arena from 8:00 am – 9:00 am We will be adding home and away games as when we get confirmation from other special needs teams and the current schedule can be found here http://electriccityspecialneedshockey.com/events/
  • Registration fees are $300.00 for the entire season which covers all ice time and player insurance. 
  • All kids and adults with any physical or developmental special need are welcome! 
  • No skating or hockey experience necessary, we have caring and compassionate coaches who will work one on one with players to teach the basics of skating. There is no timeline or pressure, we understand every child or adult is different and learns at their own pace.
  • Equipment – due to insurance regulations players are responsible to provide their own helmet. We have lots of extra equipment in various sizes and would love to help you if you require it.
  • Fun first – there is absolutely zero pressure put on a player. If he/she wants to play an entire game or a single shift in a game that’s amazing! It’s all about taking steps forward no matter how small or large they may be. We’re all here to have fun while learning the skills of hockey. During games parents, players and coaches are encouraged to cheer for the other team as hard as our team!
  • Transportation – we realize that some of our players do not have access to transportation and we do our best to accommodate them by renting vehicles for away games and events. Players are responsible for their own transportation/public transit to all practice and games at the Evinrude Centre. 
ECM&W Hockey Registration 2019

Understanding of Player/Parent Commitment

Please note that while we understand not all players will be able to attend all practices or games, many of which are on the road, we appreciate that parents have other commitments, we would appreciate that a parent/player email/facebook messenger the coaching/registar if you are not able to attend, so that we know everyone is ok.  Please also be aware that while your player may be new to the team &/or new to hockey, this DOES NOT exclude them from any games, road trips or tournaments.  We love having all of our players participating as much as possible, these different environments & experiences are part of how a player grows within the game, the team & as an individual.

Hockey Fees: $300.00 to be paid, payment arrangements made, deposit & funding applications submitted prior to first time player skates with the team.  Receipts available for claiming on SSAH or other funding sources.  Invoices available to submit for any funds that require an invoice.